FluentD key-Value Parser

A FluentD filter plugin to parse FluentD events that folollow key-value format messages and extract attributes defined in the messages.


Gemfile content

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-filter-kv-parser'

And then execute:

$~> bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$~> gem install fluent-plugin-filter-kv-parser


Configuration Ite Description
key The key that contains the message to be parsed. The default value is log
remove_key A boolean value to remove the message key after parsing. Default is false
filter_out_lines_without_keys A boolean value that indicates whether to remove or keep events with no key-value items. Default is false
use_regex A boolean value to indicate whether to use regex for parsing the messages or not. The default is false.
remove_prefix A regex to remove a prefix of the message and to exclude it from being parsed
keys_delimiter The Key delimiter character (how the keys are separated). The default is space.
kv_delimiter_char The Key-Value delimiter. The default is =
filtered_keys List of keys that will be whitelisted
filtered_keys_regex A regex to white list extracted keys
filtered_keys_delimiter The character used to separate keys defined in filtered_keys

Configuration Examples

Filter log message and whitelist a specific keys.

<match pattern>
  @type key_value_parser
  key log
  remove_key true
  remove_prefix /^[^ ]+\s[^ ]+/
  use_regex true
  filtered_keys key,gkeyn,nkey,skey,akey,zkey
  'time' => '2013-02-12 22:01:15 UTC',
  'log'  => "Start Request key=10 gkey=100 nkey=108 skey='this is a miltispace line' akey=20 zkey=30 dkey=4"
  "time"=>"2013-02-12 22:01:15 UTC",
  "skey"=>"'this is a miltispace line'",

Filter log message and whitelist keys that match a given regex.

<match pattern>
  @type key_value_parser
  key log
  remove_key true
  remove_prefix /^[^ ]+\s[^ ]+/
  use_regex true
  filtered_keys none
  filtered_keys_regex /^sub_[a-zA-Z_0-9]+/
  'time' => '2013-02-12 22:01:15 UTC',
  'log'  => "Start Request sub_key=0 sub_akey=11 sub_zkey=12 key=10 gkey=100 nkey=108 skey='this is a miltispace line' akey=20 zkey=30 dkey=4"
  "time"=>"2013-02-12 22:01:15 UTC",

Filter log message and whitelist keys that match a given regex or are whitelisted .

<match pattern>
  @type key_value_parser
  key log
  remove_key true
  remove_prefix /^[^ ]+\s[^ ]+/
  use_regex true
  filtered_keys key,gkey
  filtered_keys_regex /^sub_[a-zA-Z_0-9]+/
  'time' => '2013-02-12 22:01:15 UTC',
  'log'  => "Start Request sub_key=0 sub_akey=11 sub_zkey=12 key=10 gkey=100 nkey=108 skey='this is a miltispace line' akey=20 zkey=30 dkey=4"
  "time"=>"2013-02-12 22:01:15 UTC",