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Simplifying RabbitMQ for Ruby apps!
RabbitMQ Client is a ruby client library for applications dealing with RabbitMQ.
- It wraps common behaviors needed by publishers and subscribers in an easy and convenient API.
- It uses both
to manage RabbitMQ communications. - It is extendable using plugins.
Why RabbitMQ Client? Why not bunny
and connection_pool
directly? Well, gems are just a clients. You still need to write a lot of code to manage proper subscribing and publishing of messages. You need to do error handling, passing request headers to RabbitMQ and maybe logging/instrumenting the message management process. Finally, you also need to consider how to deploy your app and how to start it.
With RabbitMQ Client by your side, all this becomes smooth and easy.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rabbitmq_client'
And then execute:
$~> bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$~> gem install rabbitmq_client
RabbitMQ Client can be used to publsih and subscribe RabbitMQ messages.
RabbitMQ Client support the following configurations
Configuration | Description | Default Value |
rabbitmq_url | RabbitMQ server URL | amqp://guest:guest@ |
logger_configs.logs_format | RabbitmqClient logs format. values can be either json or plain |
plain |
logger_configs.logs_level | RabbitmqClient logs level. values can be one of :debug, :info, :error |
info |
logger_configs.logs_filename | Logs file name, if nil STOUT will be used | nil |
logger_configs.logger | Logger object, if nil STOUT logger will created | nil |
session_params.heartbeat_publisher | Heartbeat interval for publisher sessions. 0 means no heartbeat |
0 |
session_params.session_pool | Number of sessions with rabbitmq | 1 |
plugins | Array of used plugins | [] |
global_store | Global Store used to store tags and headers: RequestHeaderMiddleware RequestStore |
nil |
whitelist | List of whitelisted headers | ['x-request-id'.to_sym] |
Full Configuration Example¶
RabbitmqClient.configure do |config|
config.rabbitmq_url = "${rabbitmq_url}"
config.logger_configs = {
logs_format: 'plain',
logs_level: :info,
logs_filename: nil,
logger: nil
config.session_params = {
heartbeat_publisher: 0,
session_pool: 1
config.plugins = []
config.global_store = RequestHeaderMiddleware
config.whitelist = ['x-request-id'.to_sym]
Append plungins or whitelist items¶
RabbitmqClient.plugins << MYRabbitmqClientPlugin
RabbitmqClient.whitelist << :white_listed_header_key
Publishing messages to RabbitMQ¶
- Publish messages using RabbitmqClient singleton publisher
# RabbitmqClient.add_exchange(exchange, type, options)
RabbitmqClient.add_exchange('default.rabbitmq_client', :topic, {})
# RabbitmqClient.publish(payload, options)
RabbitmqClient.publish({id: 10, name: 'rabbitmq_client'}, { exchange_name: 'default.rabbitmq_client' })
- Create a publisher and use it
config = {
rabbitmq_url: val,
exchange_registry: val,
session_params: { heartbeat_publisher: val }
publisher = RabbitmqClient::Publisher.new(config)
publisher.publish(payload, options)
RabbitmqClient plugins are classes that define a callbacks that can be executed before or after events that occuers during RabbitmqClient lifecycle. Current supprted lifecycle events are:
- publish: occure when publishing a massage is triggered.
Here is an example where we define a plugin to add some headers to message options before publishing the message.
class MQTestPlugin < RabbitmqClient::Plugin
callbacks do |lifecycle|
lifecycle.before(:publish) do |_message, options|
options[:headers] = { test_key: 'test'}
RabbitmqClient.plugins << MQTestPlugin